Speciality Areas

  • Executive coaching and mentoring with focused outcomes linked to the client’s business objectives and organizational goals
  • Developing Leaders and Managers; Career development; Team Performance; Interpersonal & Relational skills and expanding individual Way of Being towards sustainable change
  • Coaching Circles: managers coach one another towards resolving complex business challenges
  • Mindfulness and Compassion Cultivation workshops and programs; certified to teach Stanford University's CCARE CCT 8 week program; Mindfulness and meditation integrated with corporate wellness programs
  • Guidance and support around life transitions in the work place, health and wellness, relationships and interpersonal issues, grief recovery, preparing for retirement, professional development, communication, spiritual, somatic, ontological coaching and mindfulness are only a few areas of her expertise.

Merlene offers a safe, quiet and confidential environment for her clients to engage with the issues and challenges that they are facing. She also consults via Zoom,  Skype and telephonically both locally and internationally. Her extensive experience includes assisting individuals and groups in the fields of FMCG, manufacturing, transportation and logistics, government and banking.

Merlene is frequently described by her clients as challenging, pragmatic, compassionate and insightful.